Before your visa application can be processed you will need to register for the IMC and pay in full the registration fee and visa processing fee. Please go to the Registration page for more information. All conference attendees must acquire an Official Conference Visa. For this, the Royal Government of Bhutan requires all prospective IMC attendees to submit a visa application that includes a recent passport photo, a scanned copy of their passport (this absolutely MUST have an expiration date that is a full six months after the proposed departure date . . . no exceptions), and a brief resume. Permission to travel to Bhutan takes preparation and additional time for document processing, so please be prompt in supplying your documents.
Because there are a limited number of planes that fly into Bhutan each day and many attendees will be arriving over a short period of time, plane tickets should be purchased well in advance. You can purchase a flight before you obtain your Visa, but if you are denied that visa for some reason, the IMC will not reimburse you for the cost of the cancelled airline tickets.
There are two airlines that fly into Paro, Bhutan: Druk Air (https://www.drukair.com.bt/) and Bhutan Airlines (http://www.bhutanairlines.bt/). There are several options for flying into Paro via Bangkok, Kathmandu, New Delhi, or Singapore. Flights into Bhutan are not available every day of the week from all of these locations, so please check airline schedules carefully. You can check the airline websites for their full schedules.
For conference attendees traveling long distances, we recommended arrival in Bhutan on Saturday, December 1, 2018.
The formal conference program will open on Sunday, December 2, 2018 with an evening reception. Scientific presentations will be held all day Monday, all day Tuesday, and Wednesday morning, December 3–5, 2018.
Depending on your travel schedule, departure dates can vary, but the last day allowed on your conference visa is December 12.
For any questions concerning travel arrangements, please send an email to mahseer@fishconserve.org.